How a Race Night Works
A race night is a fantastic straightforward fun way to raise funds for your organisation.
There are several jobs that will need to be done before and during the race night, ultimately the amount of effort that goes in determines how much money you will raise.
Before your race night
Events Organiser – Someone to put up race night posters (supplied with our pack), speak with local companies and suppliers to get prizes and sponsorship for the race night, and sell advanced race night entry tickets.
During the race night
A Race Night Master of Ceremonies – You could hire an MC but the local “character” of your organisation can usually do a good job and this will help the race night run at a profit.
Race Night
Tote Ticket Sellers & Payout – These are the people who take the race night wagers. (Printed tickets for up to 60 guests supplied with pack). Tip-Make sure when you start that your sellers have plenty of change for a float, are placed in a well lit area and only take bets for one race at a time.
DVD Operator – Someone to be in charge of the displaying of the race night films.
As an organisation, you decide on the size of each race night bet. This can be anything you like but we recommend either 50p or £1.00 then keep to that price of bet. You then decide how much of the race night tote the charity will retain for their funds, normally 50% but can be any percentage you decide. You let everyone know before the first race what the cost of a bet is and what percentage is going to the funds.
To comply with regulations, we suggest the following
- Open the betting for the first race, and take the bets.
- When all bets have been placed the race night tote is closed.
- Ask a member of the audience to choose a race film number at random from the DVD.
- Show the film on the television or screen.
- Before the race starts a fun form guide gives a brief rundown on each of the runners.
- As no more bets can be placed at this point, you have complied with the regulations.
We supply an A4 payout calculator, which makes the working out of the race night payout very easy. At the end of the race the winning payouts are announced.
That’s it! Just repeat the above for all of your race night races and enjoy the evening!